You deserve all the beauty and gentleness in the world
2.你要相信 未来要和你共度一生的人 其实在与你相同的时间里 也在同样忍受着和你同样的孤独 那个
人一定也怀着满心期待 拥着一腔孤勇 穿过茫茫人海也要与你相见.
Through the vast sea of people, also want to meet
3.我听过最温柔的话 哪怕她喝酒 说话很大声 像个男孩子一样撒野 她也是我心中柔软的小玫瑰 尽管
她以后七老八十 我也要让她天天有一颗少女心.
Even though she will be seventy-eight, I will make her have a girl's heart every day
4.天冷加衣 怕黑开灯 孤独听歌 心塞了 去跑步 矫情了就去吃 人生没有什么大不了的 熬过去了又是美好的明天.
It's cold with clothes on, afraid of turning on the lights in the dark, listening to the songs alone,
running with heart stuffed, eating with affectation. There is no big deal in life. It's a beautiful tomorrow after suffering.
5.你的压力来源于:无法自律只是假装努力 现状跟不上内心的欲望 所以你焦虑又恐慌.
Your stress comes from the fact that you can't self-discipline just pretending that you can't keep up with your desires, SO you're anxious and panicked